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Are you a smaller independent Pharmacy? You CAN compete with the Discounters

There is a common mis-perception amongst many small independent pharmacists that they cannot compete with the big franchise discounters. Unfortunately this is often also the perception of many of their customers. In reality, this is not the case. So let’s turn this thought process around.

The discounters do not discount everything in their shop they only give the impression that they do.

This is how they how they influence the consumer:

  • They discount a few key leading lines

  • These are held in a prominent location in the store

  • All of their marketing centres around these key lines

  • This gives the impression that EVERYTHING stocked is really cheap!!

  • Discount stickers are displayed prominently however on closer inspection of these discounts you would find that the discount is not very significant and often around the same price that you may be retailing the same product.

So what can you do to turn this perception around and increase customer awareness?

To find out more, Book a Free Consultation with Addition Accounting today. CALL: 07 54769704

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