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Doom and Gloom Verses Boom and Zoom

One of the most important things a Pharmacist needs to do in relation to his business is to seek planning advice from their financial institution and accountant. Recent reports have shown that Pharmacists are very pessimistic about their futures with a majority of Pharmacists (57%) believing their business will decrease in value in the next 12 months.

Despite this it was reported in the latest Pharmacy Barometer report released by the UTS (University of Technology Sydney) more than 50% of Pharmacy owners, managers and Pharmacists in charge had not had discussions with a financial or business advisor.

There is always a way even at a time of potential reduction in GP where a pharmacy with the correct model can not only survive but look ahead to strive in the future. Australia has an ageing population and will always need healthcare. Pharmacy is extremely well positioned to administer that to the general public.

Join us at Addition Accounting to set up sensible and profitable business models with the best tax advantages for your business whilst still giving your patients the best possible healthcare.

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